Friday, October 1, 2021

My Chinese Zodiac

 Here is a picture of my Chinese Zodiac. A Dragon!


  1. Hey Devanshi that looks very good. I saw your post before I had seen Anna's blog. On one of her links on her zodiac sign art thing I saw a video of how to draw a dragon. It looks similar to yours. Did you use a video to draw your image? Here is the link bellow for you to see...

    Anyways your work is awesome. Dragons are very hard to draw, I got a rabbit. I always thought that you were the same animal as me but one day we were talking about Chinese new year in room 12 with room 123 and you said "I'm a dragon, I was born in 2012" so then I knew. Did you have fun drawing it?

    1. I did use that but I did the colouring different.

    2. Yeah I can see that, anyways your drawing looks way better than the video. Nice colouring.
