Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mandarin Juice

 It is weird for me since it is mandarin juice instead of orange juice but in lockdown we actually made it. So why did my family make it? It was because we have a mandarin tree. In lockdown there were so many mandarins on it and we had no idea what to do with them. The second reason was that we wanted to have some orange juice but we couldn't go out shopping in lockdown because it was dangerous. The third reason was because we wanted to experiment it and see how it would taste like. Me and my sister were the taste testers. We had a little sip and it tasted a bit sour. We liked it because most of my family likes sour things. We made it three times but it wasn't really sour because our mandarins were a bit sweeter than last time. We didn't add sugar or anything else. It was just natural.Have you done any cooking during lockdown? If you have, did you like it? Tell me in the comments.


  1. Hi Devanshi. Sounds fun. How did you make it? I want to make some too. Me and mum could read your instructions and try to make some and yes, I have done some cooking in lockdown. I had made sugar cookies and this evening I'm going to make smoothies. I think you're really into cooking and baking. Are you? It your hobby? Love to know your opinion.

  2. Hi Devanshi,
    We used to have a grapefruit tree (Similar to oranges)But then we cut it down Mandarin Juice Sounds weird But I Tried It and it tastes really sour! When I tried it again it was sweet because I added sugar to it.

    1. Sometimes it tastes bad for me too. When you get used to sour things it'll be okay.
