Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Maths Problem

I was thinking of what to post on my blog so I thought of a maths problem. This is my maths problem:

                                            Follow these steps.

Do 32 divided by 4 + 2 - 5. Times your number by 21. Your number + 150.  

What is your number? Tell your opinion to me by putting your answer in the comments.

Now I came up with another idea of doing and emoji maths problem. Figure out the emoji problem below.


                                  👴 + 👴 = 30

                 👴 + 👵 = 23

                 😀 + 👴 = 21

                 😁 + 😀 = 11

                 😁 + 👵 = 13

                 😁 + 👴 x 👵 = ?


  1. Hi Devanshi. This is so smart. For the first one I got 255. Am I right?

    For the second one, you were really really smart. You used emojis and numbers to create you very own problem. What you could do is because not much people will get do your little puzzle here. Why? Because the title isn't that interesting. You could wright "My little puzzle", "My fun maths quiz" or "2 Fun Maths Problems"

    1. Thanks for givng me ideas Charmy. Yes you are right.It is the correct answer.

  2. 👴-15

    😁 + 👴 x 👵 = 160

    Am I right?

    1. Hi Charmy. Your numbers for the emojis are all right but the answer for the problem is not really right. That part is kind of confusing. But Good try! You are really good at this. Keep trying.

    2. Hi again. I kept trying but i'm not quite sure what is the answer? Can you please tell me?

    3. The answer is 125.
